Friday, May 20, 2011

Sandra Bullock and Harry Connick, Jr. in---Hope Floats


When I feel the need to see something, sad, funny, true to life, and a sweet love that blooms and springs to life; I put on my old video of "Hope Floats."

Starring Sandra Bullock as Berdie Pruitt, Harry Connick, Jr. as Justin the first boy who kissed her in High School, and still loves her; and Gena Rolands as Berdie Pruitt's Mother.

This is a story to touch your heart, and you will feel for the family as Berdie who once had a lifestyle that most people would envy, now has to adjust from a cheating husband who committed adultery with her best friend, to a life without him.

Berdie with her young daughter packs up the two of them and goes back home to her Mama. Her Mama is a very strong and wise woman, who also has a heart condition, which she does not share with Berdie. But that did not stop her Mama from taking in her young grandson, to care for and love.

Life is a struggle as Berdie has to come to terms with her new life, and as her mother tells her--Get out of bed, go outside and get the stink off of you. Finally, Berdie takes her advice and looks for a job.

But the person she has to apply for a job with is from her high school days, and her nick name was "Polka Dot" and she first was very rude to Berdie, but it all turns out well.

Her daughter has problems in school with a bully, and at one point it seemed to consume Berdie, but someone comes to her rescue.

And one of my favorite singers --Garth Brooks---sings Hope Floats. A good show for the family to watch together.

Pop your corn and get ready for a great movie that shows what life can give and take away and give a great gift in the end.  

© BEPH  2011

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Some of My Favorite Books

One of my favorite authors was Erma Bombeck, who died in 1996. She was so funny and unique in her humor about her life, her husband, and children. One could always read between the lines to know this lady, loved her family. The first book I read of  Erma's was The Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank. Which was published in 1976 by McGraw-Hill. And it became a Best Seller.

 I did some research on her career, and found she interviewed Shirley Temple Eleanor Roosevelt and Mamie Eisenhower, while working at the Dayton Journal Herald as a reporter.

I was reminded of Erma the other day, when I was shopping at a bookstore-- I saw the book, Family--The Ties That Bind And Gag!--and of course I had to buy it.

So many people miss her, and in my opinion there is absolutely no one like her living today. Sure we have funny women like Joan Rivers who has a potty mouth, and many more whom uses strong language, which shows they are not in the same orbit as Erma Bombeck.

 I am sure all the Angels in Heaven are enjoying Erma Bombeck and her unique humor. Just maybe, that is not always thunder we hear during a storm, it could be laughter from Erma entertaining.

02/29/2012 Erma Bombeck I still miss you, and your wonderful humor.

© BEPH  2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Five Mike Creek---Louise Caire and Jay Kerr

 Five Mile Creek was filmed in 1983, and is a story about Australia in 1860's. It is a story about the time of the Australian Gold Rush, and how it affected the lives of many people.

The movie began with how Maggie Scott and her daughter Hannah traveled on a ship from America to Australia.. The journey was anything but pleasant on the rough seas. Con Madigan, traveled on the same ship--another American from the west. He was a cowboy type, tall, lean and handsome. But most of all he was a decent man.


Con introduced himself to Maggie and Hannah, and they became friends on their journey. Con traveled with a very fine American made stage coach, which he kept a keen eye on. He would join his partner in Australia, Jack Taylor, and together they would start a first stagecoach line in the region. Jack Taylor would be meeting him with some of the finest horses of the region, and then he would pay Con his half of the partnership.

 Maggie was a beautiful woman with a strong will. A strong will was what Maggie would need in the days to come. Upon arriving at Port Nelson, Maggie's husband did not meet his family. But he left word for her and Hannah to join him at Five Mile Creek.      Maggie along with Hannah search all over Port Nelson for anyone who had seen her husband, but no one had heard the name, and had not seen anyone of that description.

 Finally, Maggie was directed to Paddy, who was getting supplies for Five Mile Creek. She talked Paddy into taking them with him to Five Mile Creek, telling him that was where her husband was meeting her. Paddy had tried to talk her out of going by telling her it was unsafe for her and Hannah, but Maggie prevailed.

 Maggie and Hannah admired the countryside on their buckboard ride to the Outback. Maggie did not find her husband there, but she did find Kate. Kate was the cute outpost keeper, not by choice, but because her brother ran off to gamble. Kate's brother left her without much to eat, but did leave her with a bunch of chores to do

 Maggie, Hannah, Kate,and Paddy joined together because of circumstances, and became a family because they cared for each other. Con, and Jack started their stage line and brought passengers to Five Mile Creek. Kate and Maggie cooked for them, therefore earning some money.    

Others, like Sam who was an orphan became part of the family, and Ben came from America who was a friend of Con's.

 The story was about all of them and their lives on the beautiful, but dangerous Outback. Five Mile Creek will forever be branded in my mind. And when anyone says Australia, I always think of Five Mile Creek.

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